The Question?
Several months ago, my brother posed a question to me. It came after an incident where once again the rights of the American people had been trampled on by the government that has become increasingly tyrannical. His question to me was “What’s it going to take before the American people stand up and say, “No more?” He further asked me if I would be a voice. I said to him, “I’m not ‘the’ voice that is coming with a rallying cry to the United States. I don’t have the clout, anointing, or popularity that it would take.” Then he said, “I know that, but would you make your voice known? My reply was, “Yes, when that cry comes forth, I will know it, and I will speak up.” I heard the voice. So here I am. Love me. Hate me. Disagree with me. Agree with me. My voice will speak righteousness, truth, and common sense as I understand it and, hopefully, as I am led by the Holy Spirit.
The Question of the Hour: What Was the Meaning of Trump’s Call to
“Fight. Fight. Fight?”
On July 13, 2024, an assassination attempt on President Trump’s life at a public rally left the former President wounded and bleeding. Witnessed by millions, as Trump was being forced across the stage by his security guards, he insisted they stop and with what appeared the markings of red war paint spread across his face, he lifted his fist in defiance and called to the American people his now famous words which have gone around the world, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Those who despise and ridicule him have criticized his choice of words, prompting one CNN antagonist just seconds after someone had tried to kill him to say: “Former President Trump got up and said, ‘Fight. Fight. Fight.’ I think what we are hearing from people is that’s not the message that we want to be sending right now. We want to temper it down.” I ask you, would they have said this to the Apostle Paul? Would they have told him to temper his words? Would they have called his words violent when he used the word fight?
What exactly did the Apostle Paul mean when he wrote in 1 Timothy 6:12, saying, “Fight the good fight of faith?” How does a Christian fight? The words “Christian” and “fight” do not seem like they should co-exist, but co-exist they do. How is it that Christians should “fight?” One of the answers to that question is to fight with words. David said it this way, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” (Psa. 107:2). We fight by words of truth! The time has come for you as a Christian to speak out against injustices, wrongdoings, and wickedness. It is time to get off the fence and let your voice be heard.
How else do we as Christians fight? By our actions; standing for what is right; voting for what is right; and supporting the one who is speaking and advocating Biblical principles. What are we to fight for in this nation? For the restoration of the rule of law; for justice; for the sanctity of the three branches of our government, which are executive, legislative and judicial; for truth in media and in the land; for justice in the courts; for family as the Lord defines family; for children who are being bombarded by sick and perverted material in the schools; for children who are being killed or trafficked; for babies in the womb; for community; for the Church; and for the Bible which is the Word of God, to be upheld as a standard.
It is time to choose whose side you are on, where your position is in this nation, and what you stand against. It has been said if you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything. Did you know that in Proverbs, the Lord encourages us to hate? He gives us a list of things we are to hate. “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth (perverted and twisted speech), do I hate” (Pro. 8:13). Hate unrighteousness! Don’t teach your children that hate is a bad word, but rather steer that God-given emotion in them in the right direction. They are to hate evil.
“Fight. Fight. Fight.” Joshua had a battle (a fight) ahead of him. When the Captain of the Host of the Lord appeared before him, he marched up to Him, not knowing it was the Lord Himself and basically said to Him, “Whose side are you on?” (Jos. 5:13–15). That question is being asked of the American people right now, beginning at 6:14 pm, July 13, 2024, in Butler, PA. I heard the voice, and as I told my brother when I hear the rallying cry, I will give my voice to it.
The Importance of Words
David who wrote “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” (Psa. 107:2) knew the importance of words when he went to fight against the giant Goliath. Goliath was a representative of an evil enemy force that sought to bring the children of God into servitude to their wicked and overbearing government.
I wonder what the liberal press would have said if they had witnessed and heard David speaking to the giant. Would they have accused him of being too violent with his speech? He was in a fight for his life! It was not the time to speak flowery words of ease! He spoke “fighting” words.
“45 Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day will the Lord deliver you into my hand; and I will strike you down and take your head from you; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day to the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands” (1Sa. 17:45–47).
Take a Lesson from Our History Pages of a Man, Who Very Much Like Donald J. Trump, Fought a War with Only Words
During a time in history when it seemed like wickedness would prevail worldwide, God raised up a “wartime” leader by the name of Winston Churchill who was not only the Prime Minister of England but also the nation’s Minister of Defence. The robust 65-year-old “fought” (fight, fight, fight) a war with words and delivered his nation from the Nazis in the 1940s during WWII. Take note, like England, the USA is in danger of falling into the hands of a government bent on evil, ignoring the wishes of the people.
Churchill stepped into the arena of history as the allied forces of Europe were defeated. Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands had already fallen into the hands of Germany, and France was tottering and would soon surrender to the Nazis. Churchill was God’s man! He was a man who smoked cigars, frequently lost his temper, and whose personality was disdained by many. (Does this sound familiar?) He was an unlikely choice by the other leaders of that day, but that didn’t matter to God. The God Who looks upon the heart decided he was the man for the job. God saw something in Churchill that caused Him to pass over all the others and work through him to save the nation. Once in power his character did not change. He was a bulldog who had determination to take his fight to the enemy. He believed in fighting fire with fire. Churchill faced more opposition than others before him. He suffered three votes of no confidence, encountered huge quarrels in Cabinet, and faced a barrage of criticism from the press during his wartime ministry.
When Churchill ascended to great prominence in the nation, England was under a savage attack and threatened with Nazi invasion. England was on the verge of surrendering, and the king contemplated leaving the nation with his family to preserve the royal line.
The day was June 4, 1940, from 3:40 to 4:14 pm that the course of history was changed for England. Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered a rousing speech to the House of Commons. His words rallied the leaders to go to war against the Nazis. After Churchill finished his speech, one of his political opponents made a comment, saying that he had never witnessed a nation going to war with nothing more than “words.” (Fight! Fight! Fight!)
“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”
The amazing thing is that Winston Churchill had a speech impediment (a lisp and was a stutterer). He struggled with certain sounds and words. Despite this impediment, Churchill secured his place in history as an iconic figure and famous orator.
Churchill was the stalwart of the nation with his words of comfort and strength that came to the people on the radio at night. He is famous for his powerful and inspiring speeches, which were dubbed the Roar of the Lion. Those speeches helped rally the British people and boost morale during a difficult time. Included in his speech were such words as “Never give in—never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” He also spoke the famous words, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”
He was a master of words and in six minutes he laid the policy to wage war, “by sea, land and air” with victory as the goal “victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be.”
The very same spirit that moved Churchill to rally his countrymen to never give up the fight against tyranny now moves Trump to rally all Americans, not just conservative Republicans, but all of Americans, to “fight, fight, fight,” to never give up fighting! To fight for the ideas expressed by another famous U.S. President during a time of great conflict in the nation when he said, “that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth!” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863)
What is Coming from the Dems?
What will the Dems say? They will say, “Trump set this up himself” ... “The shooter was a Republican” ... “The shooter was mentally unstable.” Biden has already used the word “sick” in his statement of the assassination attempt on Trump’s life. BE PREPARED. BRACE YOURSELF. THIS IS BIGGER THAN PRESIDENT TRUMP. THIS IS ABOUT THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. THIS IS ABOUT DEMOCRACY. THIS IS ABOUT THE UNVEILING OF TRUTH IN THE MEDIA. THIS IS ABOUT YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, AND YOUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN.
There Needs to be an Investigation of the Secret Service and Law Enforcement
A witness of the shooter, whose name was Greg, told the BBC that he had spotted a suspicious-looking person “bear crawling” on the roof of the building about five minutes after Trump took to the stage. He said he pointed the person out to police and secret service, but they did nothing. “He had a rifle, we could clearly see him with a rifle,” he said. “We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like ‘hey man there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle,’ and the police did not know what was going on.”
My brother met with Trump a couple of weeks ago at Mar-a-largo with other businessmen. He left concerned that the security around Trump was not good enough. Before the men met with Trump, the security confiscated all their phones, except my brother’s because he went to bathroom. Not knowing that the phones were taken, my brother was escorted into room where Trump would meet with them. Since the security neglected to confiscate my brother’s phone, he brought out his phone and took pictures, and nothing was said!

The Prophetic Word of the Lord
In January of this year, I told on my Facebook Live, “Reverse the Curse,” audience what I was hearing. It was WAR FOR 2024. Try as I might to believe some of the words spoken for the year were from God, such as MORE FOR 2024 and similar catchy phrases, I kept hearing WAR FOR 2024. I heard “The years ’24 and ’25 are linked together. What happens in ’24 will flow into ’25.” I prophesied this assassination attempt. Then a few weeks ago, I also posted on RTC, “DC on fire… tanks in the streets.” And just last week on Reverse the Curse, I declared that the people of God would be glad of the November election. I had a dream that Trump would win, but for them to prepare themselves for a “fight” like they had never seen.
Moreover, the Dems will need a “counter-sympathy” agenda. What will they do? Will Joe Biden be taken out, thus creating a disruption and a turning attention away from the assassination attempt? Whether you like it or not, whether you see or not, whether you make a stand or not, we are in a fight! We are in a battle! We are in a war! This is not the time to sit on the fence. It is a time to speak up. Whose side are on?
Yes, it will get bad before it gets better. Things like we have never seen are going to happen in this nation. Violence will intensify. The Lord spoke to me after the assassination attempt, saying “It has started! Violence will raise its ugly head from now on and will continue into ’25, and to tell believers to pray as Nehemiah and his wall builders, who with hammers in one hand and swords in the others, built the wall. As Nehemiah completed the wall, so will the wall be built around the USA. Just as Churchill was instrumental in the saving of his beloved England, so is DJT anointed for this hour and has been tasked to help save America. Like it or not, he is God’s choice. And I for one, will not stand against God’s choice.
Yes, God protected Trump and to explain it any other way is dishonoring of God’s power and work. Standing before you in the person of Donald J. Trump is a very brave and strong man. He is not to be worshipped, but he is to be admired. He cares about the American people which was readily shown when he stood back on his feet and with his fist in the air, he said, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
Hear More on this Prophetic Word
Reverse the Curse: What Does God Say About the Fist of Defiance?
Live Tomorrow Tuesday, July 16th 2024 7PM EST/ 6PM CST/ 4PM PS